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Peels pigmendi püha laenama

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Jul 6, 2016 Bananas go beyond being a convenient snack: They can aid with sleep and even help soothe an upset stomach. But what about the peels? Do they get tossed right in the trashcan, like any old wrapper? Unfortunately, for most people, the answer seems to be yes. According to the U.S. Environmental .Jul 25, 2017 Word on the street is that consuming banana peels will kill you. But is this all just a big lie? We did the research.Sep 26, 2015 That's right, you can eat banana peels. And not only are they edible — they're also good for you. If you live in the US, you're probably used to tossing banana peels in the trash. But people in other countries, including India, have been taking advantage of their nutritional benefits for decades. While.Mar 19, 2015 Thanks to an exploded pen, you've got ink-covered hands—and soap and water aren't doing the trick. To the rescue: banana peels! Rub the white side onto the discolored areas and watch the stains disappear. The natural oils in the peel will attract the oils in the ink, weakening the pigment's bond with the .Oct 26, 2017 I recently saw a video demonstrating a smoothie recipe. It included typical ingredients, but it also included something that generally ends up in the garbage – the banana peel. I was intrigued. After all, a shocking 40 percent of food produced in this country goes to waste, according to the National Resource .

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